The Saratoga High School Foundation was created in 2004. Although the impetus for starting the Foundation was to accept donations for the construction of the McAfee Center, the founders had the foresight to create an organization that would perpetually fund projects that enhance the educational experience of our students.
Here is an excerpt from the SHS Foundation Bylaws, SECTION 1, PURPOSE: This corporation is organized for the primary specific purpose of providing charitable assistance that benefits Saratoga High School, a public high school located in Saratoga, California. Such charitable assistance may include (without limitation) financial support to fund the construction or purchase of facilities or equipment for Saratoga High School, and other general financial support for Saratoga High School, its facilities, programs, teachers, and staff. Charitable grants by the corporation shall be made in consultation with Saratoga High School. You can find the complete Bylaws document here. All of our projects are financed by the generous donations of parents and caregivers like you. Thank you! |
Other major projects implemented by the Foundation include the Falcon Stadium Entrance, computers in the Library Technology Center, furniture for the Tutoring Center, and picnic tables / tree seating in the Quad. (See photos below.)
Each year we evaluate and award grant applications from teachers, often to put technology in their classrooms to enhance their efficiency and efficacy. For more information see the Grants page. |